Happy New Year!

We hope you had a fabulous holiday season with your family and friends. We had a fantastic holiday season with a lot of time with family & friends, delicious food and much merriment. Weather has been a big news story across BC, - and all of Canada - and it affected our early new year family gathering in the Okanagan, which we had to cancel due to white out conditions.

We drove to Victoria to celebrate Theatre SKAM’s 25th Birthday Bash on January 11th. Theatre SKAM was the one of the first Theatre companies Julia ever performed and wrote with and for, and we were thrilled to be able to attend the party to celebrate their 25th. Check out their website: www.skam.ca.

After a harrowing drive down to Vancouver, we were delayed getting to Van. Island when Ferries were cancelled until 5PM. We took our chances and waited in line for 4 hours, and luckily made it on.

The 25th Birthday Party was a ton of fun with all four original founders in attendance, Sarah Donald, Karen Turner, Amiel Gladstone & Matthew Payne, plus a lot of other folks who’ve been w/ SKAM since the beginning. Previous SMAM artists sent in Happy Birthday videos, which were just fabulously received by all the folks in attendance. Well done, Lucas Myers, Mike Rinaldi, Camille Stubel, Meg Roe & Sean Dixon! Amanda Lisman was a charming and exquisite Host/MC & David Radford and Christina Patterson did a fab job Roasting and Toasting SKAM. Dirk Van Stralen and I even threw in 25 Roasts in way less than 59 minutes. Lovingly named after a popular SKAM show from the 90s: 29 Plays in 59 Minutes.

After the late night party wrapped, 13 of us met for brunch on Sunday at a fabulous Cafe called The Northern Quarter. After filling our bellies we nestled in for a longer visit as we were stuck on Vancouver Island for 2 days w/ more Ferry cancellations, and brake issues for Ginger (Our trusty touring vehicle). #336600 KMs and counting!

Now that we are home we are diving back into work mode and prepping our 2020 tour for Jake’s Gift. Stay tuned for details in the coming weeks, and stay warm out there too!